Designer: Rebeka Kahn Art
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Rebeka Kahn ART Bespoke Irish Art, created using a unique fusion of ceramic, glass & inspiration.
About Rebeka Kahn Art
From her home studio in the foothills of the Wicklow mountains, (and also now in Cork), ceramicist Rebeka Kahn creates bewitching, three dimensional raku fired wall art pieces, each one incorporating uniquely sculpted ceramic and glass elements inspired by her surroundings & the clay itself!
Discover more about Rebeka Kahn Art
Each piece of Rebeka Kahn wall art is just as unique as the person who ends up owning it. With every ceramic element in every creation singularly hand-crafted, glazed and fired in Rebeka’s home studio, every piece receives the individual attention from the artist that the owner deserves.
“I draw a lot of my inspiration from the clay itself. Sometimes I just close my eyes and feel the clay, roll it between my fingers for a while and just allow the natural flow of the clay tell me it's story.
The clay has come from the ground after thousands of years of layer upon layer of once beautifully coloured mountains, rivers and organic materials such as rock and woods, taking with it the whispers of it's stories never to be revealed.… Or maybe the clay is in some way telling its own story and secrets through my hands?….perhaps it is the clay which is actually manipulating me and not the other way around? Who knows?
A journey of reincarnation, taking something which is so very old and transforming it into something new, so as it can become old again and have a whole other lifetime of new stories to tell, shedding a new life on it’s very ancient past..”
I add glazes and glass to each ceramic element, and twice-fire them in my own kilns, or outdoors in dramatic, large naked flames! By hand forming each piece and carefully selecting the right glazes and glass, this allows me to control every aspect of the design, from inspiration right through to the final polish.
Of course, some things you can’t control. Like the natural elements that inspire the designs, glass and ceramics often have a mind of their own, and natural reactions in the firing process often create effects we hadn’t dreamed of, and inspire new designs in turn. Each finished piece can take between four and six weeks to create from start to finish.
It all conspires to make every piece an individual work of art, as unique and special as the person that ends up owning it. Each piece is a one-off in it’s own right.
Or watch a short video of just some of our making process and follow some of my pieces from their starting point of a ball of raw clay, through to it’s final polish and framing!